Sunday 7 October 2007

Mobile Suit Gundam 00 - Episode 1 [Celestial Being]

Well, I haven't looked at other people's review about this new Gundam Series. So here are some of my comments about Episode 1:

  • The overall - The overall feel is not bad. But the background of this alternate world is not revealed too much now. It is still early days. Past experience from Seed and Seed Destiny show that the pacing at the start can be slow; but then the pace goes berserk and hard to catch up! (Destiny pace near the end is really crazy! Recap, rush, recap, rush.....) Let's hope this one will have a good pace but not too fast that we can't follow.
  • Characters - The characters design appears fine for me. But one funny thing is that I see"Lynn Minmay's" look alike. Is that a joke on Macross?
  • Mecha - There are many criticisms to the mecha design saying that they divert from the "classical" Gundam design. Well, the Gundam's seem some little facelifts of previous Gundams. But I am not too sure about the "Enact"!!! It looks like the mech from Rahxephon to me. And about the heavy MS of HRL (Human Reform League 人類革新連盟) ....... can't see them before they becaome canon fodder. But from the designs, I think they are ... "soul-less".
  • Philosophy - "Stop war by war"...... Yes, as one of the characters say, this is ironic! Isn't this familar from Seed and Seed Destiny! But then I think, well, what is it behind the war? You stop the acts of war. But you can't stop the warring minds! And the issue before war whcih is energy and resource depletion cannot be resolved by suppressing the "acts of war". So what is Yōsuke Kuroda's idea behind the series? Anyway, this could be only a commercial vehicle for Bandai to sell their products! I may not help myself to get some Gunpla anyway!

So my score for this episode is 7.5!

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