Sunday 3 October 2010









兩星期之初,我先把iPod Touch裏面facebook的app刪去,因為這通道的存在標誌那facebook世界的觸手可及。呃,我必須以認罪悔疚的口吻來承認自己的心癮﹕我 以往每天讀news feed不下數十次——未必是真的在讀,但不瞥一下心裏總是有所缺欠,這,為之癮。瀏覽facebook已經變成比喝水更為牢不可破的習慣,或心癮。

沒有facebook,我開始收不到好些約會的通知,也無法得知其他人(容我偏執地以「人」來代替「朋友」)的近況;沒有facebook和 msn,我失去跟好些人——其實是大部分人——的聯絡。嘿,不妨想像一下,如果下一秒鐘,你的facebook、msn、手機的contact都完全蒸 發,你可怎樣做?還有誰的電話、email地址能夠一直留於腦海?你的男女朋友呢?你家的電話呢?)

沒有facebook,最多是把自己的群體性散失,但沒有手機,帶來的不便卻讓我在往後不斷猜想,究竟手機未興起時,日子是怎樣過的?當我出門時決 定把手機獨留家中時,也許出於褲袋裏空無一物,心頭不期然顫動,即使把紙巾等形狀與手機相近的物件塞進褲袋,鬱悶仍揮之不去。這是缺乏安全感的證明。

原來沒有手機,你會被迫準時,再沒有「唔好意思我要遲五至十分鐘」的權利。你要早早跟友人約定集合的具體位置,愈詳盡,愈好。原來是手機,把我們的 決斷力,以及準時美德,一同抹殺,但我們責無旁貸。

這兩星期,不用每天誠惶誠恐不停翻看facebook讓我的工作變得順利,回家後不必亮覑電腦讓我有更多時間跟家人相處傾談,路途中不必提起手機讓 我的腦袋放空,仔細思考從前不會觸及的事情。

限期屆滿,重回facebook世界,我頗有剛去完長旅行回港的錯亂感覺。無法跟上別人的話題,反而輕鬆自在。起初我以為別人定會知道自己消失了一 段長時間,facebook會擠滿notifications; msn會滿是offline message;電話會盡是未覆短訊。但原來不﹕facebook的notifications只有區區幾個;msn的offline msg全是病毒留言;手機短訊倒是有幾個,但錯過了又彷彿無足輕重。原來這些存在感的證明,從來都不能依賴別人賦予,只是自己加諸自己身上。比方說,當你 活躍於facebook世界,不斷在別人相片、note留言,notifications自然就多,你也自然有種濃厚的存在感。



上下班的路途上你反覆按覑簇新的iPhone4屏幕,咀嚼facebook的每一個字;你跟不相干的路人在msn漫無目的聊天。在公司、學校、餐 廳、客廳、房間,你都嘗試用這些「物件」搪塞生命的每一寸空白。你討厭空白,討厭游手好閒,討厭孤獨,於是裝作色彩斑斕,裝作忙得不可開交,裝作了解身邊 人的一切。

但你忽略了空白的意義。就在你在家用msn跟人搭訕時,你父母的華髮稍稍冒出長成;就在你在餐廳用sms跟別人展開漫漫對話時,你忽略了坐對面那人 的感受。你以為facebook拉近人與人之間的距離,但原來它不過拉近你與某些原來不相干的人之間的距離,並與此同時讓你跟其他原來親密的人漸行漸遠。 你用facebook令自己結交了一百個所謂朋友的同時,你用facebook背棄了好些以前熟悉的舊人。

你在facebook竭力去裝出一個形象,或交遊廣闊,或與眾不同,然後你的一舉一動就是往那終極目標進發。於是你開始為有多少人跟自己說聲生日快 樂而惴惴不安;你開始在網上搜羅文章來突顯自己的形象;你把自己所做的每一件事都在上面跟他人匯報;你以為facebook不過是一個由日常生活延伸的舞 台,但它已然成為你生活舞台的全部。

也許一切都是條件交換。你把自己的一切事情裸裎人前,來換取別人也如此赤裸地展示身體。但為何你要向這些不相干的人赤身露體,而對更多真正關心你的 朋友、家人封閉自己呢?

你的心明明只想充當你的私人廁所,讓你閒時走進去發泄情緒、寧靜獨處,或是汲取靈感,為何你偏偏要犯賤地把它改裝成藍色的流動公廁,中門大開地歡迎 別人侵佔,並放下糞土濃痰呢?他們不過將你的心單純地當作公廁,用作排泄,用作交換是非,完成後便拔足遠離。你卻因應這些公廁旅客的要求而裝修這座私人廁 所,為它塗上你最討厭的顏色,放置最讓你反胃的皂液,以求讓最多的人擠進來,把廁所弄得傷痕累累。


文 阿果





Friday 15 January 2010

Where is the solution to Global Warming? Science? Are you serious?

Here's the link to my netfriend's blog about Is science the key to global warming?

(I have contacted him and he is OK for me to cut and paste his work.)

Where is the solution to Global Warming? Is Science the key to Global Warming? Or should we ask "Is Global Warming the only issue we are facing?"

Do you think we can sit there, do nothing, (actually complaining the "lack" of air conditioning), and "business as usual"?

Get real!

The world is changing, unfortunately, for worse.

Here are a few points from the linked blog (and my thoughts):
  • Scientific proof is not the key point to the existence or non-existence of Global Warming. By the time we have good understandings of what's happening, the circumstances may have changed to some thing yet different again. And the proposition that we can (completely) understand the science of Global Warming is merely wishful thinking. The nature (or environment, or ecological system (implying a living and ever changing system), or God's creation, whichever way you say it) is beyond science's domain. Science is only part of the nature.
  • We can't see the big picture. But that doesn't mean we only look at ourselves, or worse, nothing. We need to have a variable focus. Look at the big picture and ourselves. But then, this leads to ...
  • What value do we put on oneself and one's surroundings? Do the surroundings exist merely to serve us? This goes particularly to women. I know so many women saying something like "Air conditioning is the greatest invention", "I can't live without air conditioning", "Why is the air conditioning not on?", or merely stare (and grudge) at me when I suggest turning the fan instead of the A/C on. Is human comfort so much more important than the varnishing of the world?
  • "Does human lose connection with the environment?" Actually, this is a variant of the point above. I heard of this when I was in a training course of "Building Thermal Performance". For example, when people come home from work and find that the indoor is "warm", first thing most people do is to flip on the air conditioning switch. -- Coming back to the connection with nature, can human win over nature? Can human ignore nature? ...... We should know the answer but are we doing what we should be doing?
  • Do we know we are doing harm (or good?!) to the environment and ourselves, sooner or later? This may or may not be Global Warming. Things can range from intoxication from chemicals, fertilisers and insecticides used in agricultural and other cases, (e.g. Australia talks about BPA in baby bottles now. BPA had been banned in some other countries.), light pollution (e.g. bird are somehow confused with the night sky during their migration), GM genetically modified food, ..... etc. The list goes on and on.